Page name: Sonic SATAM fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-30 19:35:18
Last author: Duke Devlin
Owner: Kentofski
# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
D20: 5
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Hello, and welcome to the fan wiki to Sonic the Hedgehog - SATAM. Even though the show ended with only 2 seasons and plans for a third were made but sadly the show was canceled... we do still love the show as it brought a dark atmosphere to cartoons and started the archie Sonic comic which is still made...

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[Kentofski] Owner 'n' manager
[shadow xiv] Helps kenty wiv wiki stuff nd that...
[Duke Devlin] ^^

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2004-09-07 [shadow xiv]: Ah the beauty of my new wiki! ^^ im gonna put up info on the robotisiser soon and robotniks bots

2004-09-07 [shadow xiv]: also lyrics to fastest thing alive and stuff like that >>

2004-09-07 [Kentofski]: yup thats kewl! and I'm gonna help ya with media and stuff like that!

2004-09-07 [shadow xiv]: gud gud

2004-09-08 [shadow xiv]: damn i cant find the website with the robotisizer data...

2004-09-09 [shadow xiv]: stuff for the robotocizer is up on tech page!

2004-09-09 [Kentofski]: very do they its like that though?

2004-09-09 [Kentofski]: I refurbished everythin' a bit!

2004-09-10 [shadow xiv]: >> good 4 u...

2004-09-11 [Kentofski]: are you goin to up date the tech page with the hover-unit data n stuff?

2004-09-11 [shadow xiv]: yah yah... when i can be bothered...

2004-09-13 [Kentofski]: Im gonna try to recruit members >.>

2004-09-13 [shadow xiv]: never mind recruit jus draft them lol ^^

2004-09-17 [Zulu]: I'll make a better logo for u cos u obviously carn't design

2004-09-17 [shadow xiv]: blame kenty he made it >>

2004-09-17 [Zulu]: yea

2004-09-17 [shadow xiv]: you missed out the h at the end...

2004-09-17 [Zulu]: meh

2004-09-17 [shadow xiv]: so a guy walks up to an ATM...

2004-09-18 [Zulu]: It's a Lion!

2004-09-18 [shadow xiv]: face implode

2004-09-18 [Zulu]: Im still figuring out what going to go in my experimental film

2004-09-18 [shadow xiv]: yeah your all going to be in this experimental film

2004-09-18 [Zulu]: and even though i can't explain it i already know the ending

2004-09-18 [shadow xiv]: its the part that makes your face implode

2004-09-18 [Zulu]: shearer go on MSN now!!!

2004-09-18 [shadow xiv]: fine!

2004-09-22 [Zulu]: this place sux

2004-09-23 [shadow xiv]: cos it aint done, and dont take out your anger here... jus cos ya got a frikin broke rib, we dont care! jeez its all you go on about

2004-09-26 [Zulu]: errm, i wrote that commet b4 the broken rib and this place still sux, who designed it? kenty? that would be freakishly scary

2004-09-26 [shadow xiv]: yup he did most of it...

2004-10-14 [Phantasm]: hay duse eny one know when Sonic SATAM A.K.Y sonic series 2 will be rellest again? DVD would be good (E^D

2004-10-14 [Phantasm]: I NEVER SEEN THE ENDING!!!! it was up to the point were sally meet her faver.....

2004-10-14 [shadow xiv]: what episode? blast to the past or the one where naugus trys to escape from the void?

2004-10-15 [dominoe]: sonic hes the fastist thing alive

2004-10-16 [shadow xiv]: ^__^ way past cool

2004-10-18 [dominoe]: the dvds of sonic under ground' r coming out

2004-10-18 [shadow xiv]: they already are out. i see them in woolworths... i want SATAM on DVD tho :(

2004-10-19 [dominoe]: cool thanxs for the info

2004-10-22 [Phantasm]: the void of cours (8^'

2004-10-22 [Phantasm]: sonic under ground' good that so tuck the piss i meen amey whas his sister !!! that is so fokt up !

2004-10-22 [Phantasm]: um dus eney one have the 1st 3episods of sonic on VID? i do.. (E^]

2004-10-23 [shadow xiv]: amy was not sonic's sister in sonic underground. her name wuz sonia not amy...

2004-10-23 [Phantasm]: ow.........well what are your thouts on sonic X ? (8^'

2004-10-24 [shadow xiv]: tis ok but they messed up the sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 adaptions :/ chris ruined it...

2004-10-25 [Phantasm]: ye chroow...... ow and the NEW!! (tornadow) sucks i like the old vershon it did every thing (8^]

2004-10-25 [Phantasm]: um hawe do i add the banner to my house? (8^.

2004-10-25 [dominoe]: i finished sonic adverture 1&2

2004-10-25 [shadow xiv]: same here dominoe ^_^ perfect chaos is so easy to beat... i doubt hes a god :/ anywho <*IMG:*> put that in joe jus take out the *s k? ^^

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: hes a joke

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: the biolizard is ment to be the ultomate life form i had that lizard on the run with super sonic and super shadow

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: the biolizard is the prototype. shadow is the final version of the ultimate lifeform

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: nope other way around

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: fight the biolizard and where it says his name it says the ultimate life form

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: no it says he is the prototype. im sure of it. and shadow even says "come on you ugly prototype!"

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: nope

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: does

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: does not

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: does

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: doesnot

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: <img:>

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: <img:>

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: checkmate ^_^

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: wat ever

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: of course i am always right ^_^

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: nope

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: i am, proove me wrong :)

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: prove yourself wrong

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: oh i can't do that. I'm never wrong ^_^

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: sure u r

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: <img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:> im always right!

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: naa!

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: everyone knows that the biolizard is the prototype :P

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: it fuses itself to the ark

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: yup

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: finalhazard is the best level on the game

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: can shadow do that?

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: fuse to the ark? nope

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: well there u go

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: there i go wot? O.o

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: shadows not the ultomate life form

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: he is, hes faster and he doesnt need a crapy life suport machine to keep him alive :P

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: but with that hes unstopable

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: the lizard? no the machine got smashed easily by shadow...

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: i played the game i beat the game

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: its to easy...

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: do u know how to jump half a level on 2 player

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: i don't play on 2 player...

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: why scared your gonna get beat

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: no i won like 562 times... its boring

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: u said u never play it

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: not anymore i don't. no one ever beats me :/ i'm going now bai

2004-10-27 [dominoe]: wat ever

2004-10-27 [Phantasm]: i comlpetid sonic adventure AND have a SUPER SONIC CHAO.... (E^D

2004-10-27 [shadow xiv]: you mean super sonic chao not chow

2004-10-28 [dominoe]: leave em alone

2004-10-28 [Phantasm]: soz im crap at speling........

2004-10-28 [Phantasm]: so dus eny one have a gamma chao? (E^3

2004-10-29 [shadow xiv]: nope, i don't bother raising chao anymore :/ they're only good for petting... not much else is interesting

2004-10-29 [dominoe]: but there so cute

2004-10-29 [shadow xiv]: yah my bro is evil! he throws them at walls and other chao!

2004-10-31 [Phantasm]: It's funny becouse you get prazd for torturing them at the end of the game lol(X^D thow throwing them is how thay lern to fliy, um not saing i torture them but the one with a big grin likes it

2004-11-01 [dominoe]: ;(

2004-11-02 [shadow xiv]: ya but it make them unhappy :(

2004-11-02 [Phantasm]: well ye if you frow them at walls........!!! but if your on egg mans iland it dunt mater, thay swime around silly (E^]

2004-11-02 [Phantasm]: exsalent level for swiming and fliying chraning (E^J

2004-11-03 [dominoe]: never fear Amy Rose is here

2004-11-03 [Phantasm]: Burde ABYOOS................ RUN !!!

2004-11-04 [dominoe]: hee-hee

2004-11-04 [Phantasm]: gamma rock thow sonic X made his voys retardid wich pist me off !!! )8^'

2004-11-05 [dominoe]: ha ha

2004-11-05 [Phantasm]: well it did.......... (8^'

2004-11-06 [shadow xiv]: ya he sounds like hes on helium :/ tails to...

2004-11-06 [Phantasm]: ye thay do and kreem sounds like shes got assma ..... /8^l

2004-11-08 [dominoe]: true

2004-11-08 [dominoe]: heres a good site with sonic games

2004-11-10 [Phantasm]: oow .........? Groove (8^D

2004-11-10 [dominoe]: go to the games site

2004-11-13 [Phantasm]: there (X^D

2004-11-15 [Zulu]: Waz this place designed by kenty?

2004-11-16 [Phantasm]: im not sure?...... ask him (8^/

2004-11-17 [Phantasm]: oow um wy did the Animaters chang Dr robotnik to egg man? .........its anoying! (B^`

2004-11-28 [Phantasm]: .......HELLO....?! (8^.

2004-12-03 [shadow xiv]: robuttnik has been eggmansince sonic 2... ive seen EGGMAN writen on that wing fortress...

2004-12-08 [Phantasm]: ye i remeber but wasant egg man yoosd as a insult.....? (8^'

2004-12-10 [shadow xiv]: more of a nick name i think

2004-12-10 [Phantasm]: ow....

2004-12-10 [Phantasm]: so what do you think of sally?

2004-12-12 [shadow xiv]: Meh she’s ok... but she relies on Nicole to much

2004-12-12 [Phantasm]: ye you know she went comandow on one episod of sonic X

2004-12-24 [Phantasm]: hay so can i joing the wiki plz

2005-01-05 [shadow xiv]: hey sally aint on sonic x!

2005-01-06 [Phantasm]: she was the best caricktor on sonic

2005-01-07 [shadow xiv]: wha? im confused now....

2005-01-07 [Phantasm]: never mind .....hay whats the cowd for the bage plz i would like it on my page plz (E^3

2005-01-07 [Phantasm]: im going to be wayting for a long time.............siph spit !! lB^'

2005-01-09 [shadow xiv]: wy dont u jus right click on the image then go to propertys and it has the address for the image there... but here it is anyway [*IMG:*]

2005-01-11 [Phantasm]: thank you (E^3

2005-01-11 [Phantasm]: wow (E^D

2005-01-12 [shadow xiv]: ^_^

2005-01-13 [Phantasm]: hawe come shadow is gould on the seris and not silver when he go's super sonic?

2005-03-30 [Phantasm]: REPLIY SUME ONE  )X^O

2005-03-30 [shadow xiv]: It's just super not super sonic. And Sonic X isn't any good. The Emerl season was jus a mix of sonic battle and DragonBall Z... shadow does go silver doesn't he? Probably just the dumbass artists being prats again...

2005-03-31 [Phantasm]: No he duss not go silver he go's Gould.... I WILL PERSONLY SMACK THE ARTIST FOR BEING IGNARANT GITS !!!.........i want the artists back from sonic 2...  (:^S

2005-04-03 [shadow xiv]: Sonic 2? I don't think a sprite cartoon would be very good...

2005-04-05 [Phantasm]: ye im still wating for sonic 2 to be relest back.....

2005-04-09 [shadow xiv]: you mean remade? I don't think that will happen

2005-04-12 [Phantasm]: aah what WY what the hell happend? (8^O

2005-04-20 [shadow xiv]: well if they did remake the old sonic games not many fans would find it interesting probably. I would though. I loved sonic 1, 2, 3 and S&K ^__^

2005-04-21 [Phantasm]: ive never seen sonic 3 on tv and when i found out about it the basterds cansald it !!!!! im so diprest for sonic 3 thow i heyer some things on it were retardid? (8^'

2005-04-21 [shadow xiv]: sonic 3 is a game... are you talking about adventures of sonic the hedgehog? cos that sucks...

2005-04-21 [Phantasm]: ye i was ...... so wy did it suck? (8^.

2005-05-03 [shadow xiv]: crap animation. crap backgrounds. crap enemys. corny storylines. It's the worst sonic the hedgehog cartoon ever made.

2005-05-05 [Phantasm]: dame..... in what wy? was amy in it?

2005-05-26 [shadow xiv]: nope only sonic and tails and tails was brown in it O.o;

2005-05-27 [Phantasm]: i allways thort he was a yellow orange mix? :3

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